Auction 37 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Shi'urin Shel Torah by the Steipler – Author's Dedication and Blessing for Long Life

Opening: $500
Shi'urin Shel Torah, "A pamphlet from the series of Kehillot Ya'akov… to clarify and explain…the measures of an "ama" (cubit), "beitzah" (egg) and "revi'it" (a quarter). At the end are "the measures of mitzvoth according to the rulings of the Chazon Ish". By Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky "The Steipler". Jerusalem, 1956.
On the leaf before the title page appears a long dedication (6 lines) in the author's own handwriting, blessing the receipient and his wife "With a long life and good years of health, together with his wife…who should live in perfect health and thrive in good long years".
This book summarizes the halachic polemic discussed by the Chazon Ish and his brother-in-law the Steipler, in opposition to the stance of Rabbi Chaim Na'eh of Jerusalem in regard to halachic measures. According to the opinion of the Chazon Ish, the measures of an "ama" and "revi'it" are larger than the measures which Rabbi Chaim Na'eh published in his book Shi'urei Torah. The Steipler, in the name of his brother-in-law the Chazon Ish wrote the halachic polemic books, Shi'urin D'Oreita (Bnei Brak, 1948) and Eifat Tzedek (Bnei Brak, 1949). Rabbi Chaim Na'eh responded to Shi'urin D'Oreita in his book Shi'urei Zion, which in the introduction to Eifat Tzedek the Steipler writes, was "Arranged entirely to disagree with my words and my book Shi'urin D'Oreita…".
In 1957, two years after the death of the Chazon Ish and Rabbi Chaim Na'eh, the Steipler published again his latest opinion in this book, Shi'urin Shel Torah, in which he included and summarized all his thoughts on the treatise of the measures of mitzvoth, without the polemic found in his two previous books.
88 pages, 23.5 cm. Fair condition, stains and moth holes. Library stamps. Worn binding.
Signatures and Dedications
Signatures and Dedications