Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Shiltei HaGiborim – Venice, 1612 – Copy of Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura

Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $2,250
Including buyer's premium
Shiltei HaGiborim, comprehensive composition about the Beit HaMikdash, the Kohanim and Leviim, the Temple vessels and musical instruments, etc. By R. Avraham HaRofe Portaleone. Venice: "Avraham MiShaar Aryeh" (Avraham from Lion Gate [Portaleone] - the book was printed in the author's home), [1612]. First edition.
Four title pages. The principal part of the book is composed of the first 90 chapters, in which the author comprehensively describes the Beit HaMikdash, its vessels and all the Temple services. His research is based on the Bible and Chazal, at the same time deriving information from ancient Jewish, Arabic and Christian traditions as well as contemporary science. The composition contains much scientific data, such as botanic names of the components of the incense and of the anointment oil, identification of the gems of the High Priest's breastplate (choshen) and their remedial qualities, a detailed study of the music in the Beit HaMikdash, including much information on the musical instruments and the various musical styles, expansive knowledge of engineering and architecture, medicine, chemistry, etc. Moreover, the book deals with linguistic analysis of words in the Holy Tongue, derived from the author's command of ten European and Semitic languages, especially Greek and Latin.
All four title pages bear stamps of Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura, with a lion in the center, and another stamp - "Minchat Shai", which the Rebbe would imprint on books he received from Chassidim and friends.
12; 186 leaves. 27.5 cm. Good condition. Light-colored high-quality paper. Stains. Tiny tears to title page and a few other leaves. All four title pages are decorated with red ink dots. Fine early leather binding, detached and damaged, with worming.