Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Shaar Shimon – Amsterdam, 1858 – Copy of Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura

Opening: $300
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Shaar Shimon, prayers for the sick, laws of visiting the sick, prayers and practices for the Chevra Kadisha, by R. Shimon Frankfurt. Amsterdam: Yisrael Levisson, 1858. Hebrew and Yiddish.
Copy of Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura; at the top of the title page are two of his stamps: one stamp with his name, "Nachum Dov Ber Friedman", with a symbol of a lion in the center (somewhat blurred), and an additional stamp, "Kinyan Kaspi".
On the endpaper is a printed ex libris label (in gilt letters on red background): "Collection of books of R. Nachum Dov Friedman in Sadhora". Next to it is a piece of paper with a printed caption in German, attesting that the book was donated by R. Salo (Shlomo) Kohen, who had purchased part of the Rebbe of Sadigura's book collection, in memory of his mother Charlotte (Gittel) Kohen.
Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber (Bernyu) Friedman of Sadigura (d. 1883, Otzar HaRabbanim 15912), grandson of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin, son of Rebbe Shalom Yosef and son-in-law of Rebbe Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura. R. Nachum Dov Ber possessed a large library, and he used several types of stamps in his library. Books he inherited from his father were stamped "Nachalat Avotai", books he purchased were stamped "Kinyan Kaspi" (like the present book), and books received as a gift were stamped "Minchat Shai". A small collection of books gifted by converts to his father-in-law were stamped "Minchat Ger".
[7], 104; [1], 31 pages. 15.5 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Inner margins of first two leaves repaired with paper filling. Stamps. New leather binding.
Books Owned by Important Rebbes – Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions, Stamps and Glosses
Books Owned by Important Rebbes – Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions, Stamps and Glosses