Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

Seven Books for Children in German, 1925-1936

Opening: $250
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Seven books for Jewish children. Vienna, Breslau, Ostrava and Berlin, 1925-1936. German.
* Das Verschlossene Buch, Jüdische Märchen by Irma Singer. Ienna and Leipzig: R. Löwit, 1925. * Das lustige Buch fürs jüdische Kind, by Siegfried Abeles. Breslau: Jacob B. Brandeis,1926. * Judische Kindermarchen, fairy tales by Ilse Herlinger. Ostrava (Mahrisch-Ostrau): Dr. Farber, 1928. * Der Retter von Chula, Jüdische Jugend-Geschichten aus dem neuen Palästina [Saviour of the Chula, stories for youngsters from new Palestine] by Elieser Smolly, Berlin: Erich Reiss, 1934-1935. * Land der Jugend, Das Buch der Kinder-Rundschau by Kurt Loewenstein.Berlin: Jüdische Rundschau,1936. * Die bunte Schüssel, Ein jüdisches Kinderbuch zum Lesen und Malen [the colorful bowl, a book for Jewish children for reading and coloring].Illustrations by Ruth Veit-Simon. Berlin: Erwin Löwe,1936. Illustrations of biblical scenes for coloring and detaching for use as postcards. * Benni Fliegt ins Gelobte Land ein Buch für Jüdische Kinder [Benni flies to the Promised Land, book for Jewish children], by Mirjam Singer. Illustrations by Franz Reiz. Vienna and Jerusalem: R. Löwit,1936. Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Children's Books
Children's Books