Auction 57 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Sefer Nishmat Shabetai Halevi - Copy Belonging to Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Friedman, Rebbe of Bohush, Author of "Pe'er Yisrael"

Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Nishmat Shabtai Halevi, Kabbalistic composition regarding "the secrets of the holy soul", by R. Shabtai Horowitz, author of "Shefa Tal". ["Jerusalem" - Lviv?, ca. 1840-1845]. Published by R. Meir ben R. Shimon.
Stamp of R. "Yisrael Shalom Yosef Friedman" (with the emblem of a lion in the center, the royal stamp of Sadigur-Ruzhyn Rebbes from that time period).
R. Yisrael Shalom Yosef Friedman, second Rebbe of Bohush (Buhusi, Romania), (1855-1923), was among the greatest Romanian Rebbes. He was named after his great-grandfather R. Yisrael of Ruzhyn (d. 1850) and R. Yisrael's son R. Shalom Yosef of Sadigura (d. 1851). He was the son and successor of R. Yitzchak, son of R. Shalom Yosef, and became Rebbe in Buhusi in 1896 upon his father's passing. Thousands of Chassidim flocked to Buhusi to receive his wise counsel and guidance, especially in medical matters. He established Yeshivat Beit Yisrael, which was led by his sons-in-law, R. Menachem Mendel Friedman and R. Yitzchak Twersky. His Torah novellae were only recently published under the title Pe'er Yisrael (Jerusalem, 1979-2009).
[22] leaves. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Non-original binding.
The title page lists the location as "the holy city of Jerusalem, may it speedily be rebuilt", but this is patently false. S. Halevi, "D'fusei Yerushalayim Harishonim" (Early Printing in Jerusalem), p. 275, no. 26, ascribes the printing location to Vilna. The catalogue of the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book (no. 000301924) lists the location as "Lemberg?".
Signatures - Chassidism
Signatures - Chassidism