Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Sefer Mikneh Avram – Venice, 1523 – Impressive Copy

Opening: $2,800
Sefer Mikneh Avram, grammar book, by physician and grammarian Rabbi Avraham Devlamish. Venice, [1523]. Daniel Bomberg Printing Press.
Hebrew [vowelized] and Latin, page facing page. Apparently translated by David son of Kalonymus, who composed the last section of the book, “Sha’ar BeTa’amei HaMikrah” [cantillation notes section] and brought the book to print.
Reverse side of title page contains printed poem in Latin in honor of Daniel Bomberg, followed by a Latin introduction by Daniel Bomberg. The author, too, praises Bomberg in his introduction to the book. Concurrently, the Hebrew only edition was printed (in 1523). Order of letters of body of composition is almost identical. In this edition each line is numbered.
Fine copy in very good condition. [314] leaves. 21 cm. Wide margins, stains, Handwritten notations. Ancient binding, without clasps.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years