Auction 050 Part 2 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut – Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment

Rav Alfas – Kopust, 1818-1820 – Approbation by the Maharil of Yanovitch, Brother of the Baal HaTanya – Both Parts

Opening: $180
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium

Hilchot Rav Alfas (Rif), with commentaries, Mordechai and Tosefta. Kopust (Kopys): R. Yisrael son of R. Yitzchak Yoffe (a prominent disciple of the Alter Rebbe), 1818-1820. Two parts. Some of the letters of the title page of Part I are printed in red ink. Printed on blue paper. This edition is based on the 1807-1810 Slavita edition. Approbation by R. Yehudah Leib, the Maharil of Yanovitch (Yanavichy), brother and close disciple of Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya. [The approbation deals with the permissibility of printing books after they were printed by someone else, and is also cited in Responsa Tzemach Tzedek (Yoreh Deah 195, p. 15c)]. Signatures to Part I title page (and additional leaves), and Part II title page. Short handwritten marginal glosses to some leaves in both parts.

Two parts in two volumes. • Part I (Berachot, Shabbat and Eruvin – 1818): [3], 52; 17; 100; 46 leaves. • Part II (Pesachim, Ta'anit, Beitzah, Rosh Hashanah, Yoma, Sukkah, Megillah, Moed Katan and Halachot Ketanot – 1820): [2], 3-214 leaves. Approx. 35 cm. Mostly on blue paper. Good-fair condition. Stains, creases and wear. Worming, slightly affecting text. Uneven trimming. Inscriptions and stamps. Old leather bindings (with new spines).

R. Yehudah Leib (ca. 1709-1826), brother and prominent disciple of Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya. Maggid and posek in Yanovitch (Yanavichy), due to which he was known as the Maharil of Yanovitch. He was a close assistant and confidant of his brother the Baal HaTanya. He was the first to transcribe his brother’s discourses and homilies; the Alter Rebbe considered his transcriptions more reliable than those of others, and they form the basis for the homilies in Torah Or.

Books by Chabad Rebbes – Liubavitch and Kopust
Books by Chabad Rebbes – Liubavitch and Kopust