Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Ratzuf Ahava - Verona, 1649 - Signatures and Glosses

Opening: $400
Ratzuf Ahava, novellae on the Talmud and Tosafot, by R. Shlomo Algazi. Verona, 1649. First edition.
Several glosses in Sephardic script. One of them signed: "Shmuel Tovi—". Two signatures and ownership inscriptions in Sephardic script on the title page: "Mine… Shlomo son of R. Chaim Yehuda". "Mine for the service of my Creator, with my strength and wealth, Menachem HaLevi".
R. Shlomo son of R. Chaim son of R. Yehuda of Salonika (d. Purim 1769), grandson of R. Shlomo Amarilio. Novellae in his name are quoted by his colleague R. Elazar Nahmias who refers to him as "The complete scholar, R. Shlomo Chaim" (Hon Rav, leaf 158, 2). His epitaph in Salonica reads: "The complete scholar, pious and modest, R. Shlomo son of R. Chaim Yehuda" (Matzevot Saloniki p. 727; Beit HaAlmin shel Yehudei Saloniki, p. 463).
[1], 19, 25-32, 37-44, 41-152, [1] leaves. Mispagination. 19.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Some leaves in fair condition. Stains and extensive wear. Severe dampstains to some leaves. Worming. Marginal creases. Only back cover remains, damaged, with worming.
Manuscripts and Glosses - Oriental Rabbis
Manuscripts and Glosses - Oriental Rabbis