Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Piyutim and Tachanunim (Persia) – Ancient Manuscript

Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, piyutim of tachanunim and bakashot, Persia, [after 1719].
Piyutim (lithurgical poems) written by outstanding Persian poets in the 17th century. Mentioned at the beginning of the first piyut is the date of its writing "The good year of 1719". Piyut by Rabbi "Yosef ben Rabbi Av Hamon", bakasha by Rabbi "Mashiach ben Fir Achmad", piyut Birchei Atzula written by Rabbi "Yagdar Cashi", bakasha by "Rabbi Chimael ben Rabbi Yitzchak", poem for groom by Rabbi Moshe HaLevi ben Rabbi Yosef, poem written by Chacham Tzalach, tachanunim according to Rabbi Elisha ben Shmuel etc. [See article by M. Benaya published by Sinai, Elul 1980, pages 135-149].
78 written pages. 16 cm. Varied condition of leaves, good-fair until poor, wear damage and ink blurs, with text omission. New binding.