Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

"Painted Views from the Orient" – 45 Hand-Colored Lithographs – 19th Century

Opening: $2,000
Malerische Ansichten aus dem Orient gesammelt auf der Reise Sr. Hoh. Des Herrn Herzogs Maximillian in Bayern, nach Nubien, Äegypten, Palaestina, Syrien und Malta im Jahre 1838 [Painted views from the Orient, gathered during the journey of Maximillian, Duke in Bavaria, to Nubia, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Malta in 1838]. [Germany and France, 1839-1840]. German and French.
A portfolio with 45 (out of 60) hand-colored lithographs of the orient's views and antiquities, after paintings by Heinrich von Mayr. The publication of the portfolio was initiated by the Bavarian duke Maximillian Joseph who traveled through the Middle East in 1838. Mayr accompanied the duke and painted the views and scenes in the different countries which they visited.
The lithographs depict, among others, Egyptian antiquities, sites in Palestine, in Syria and Lebanon and the city of Valletta in Malta. Among the lithographs from Palestine: a street in Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Valley of Josaphat, Mary's grave, Mary's spring in Nazareth, the Jordan river and more.
The portfolio also includes ten leaves of text, with detailed captions in German and French, and a title page - a hand-colored lithograph.
[1] title page (lithograph), [45] lithographs (out of 60), [10] text leaves, 49X37.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Tears, creases, stains and slight worming to plates, not affecting the prints. Stains and creases to text leaves. Slight worming damage, tears and blemishes to portfolio.
Maps, Travelogues, Photography
Maps, Travelogues, Photography