Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Or HaMeir - Poritsk, 1815 - Two Variants - Original Title Page and Forged Title Page

Opening: $500
Or HaMeir, Chassidic essays on the Torah, by R. Zeev Wolf of Zhitomir. Poritsk (Pavlivka): Shlomo ben Chanina, 1815. Two variants.
Two variants of the same edition, one with the true imprint and the other with a forged title page. The title page of the first copy indicates the place and year of printing and the name of the printer; on its verso are approbations by R. Mordechai son of R. Pinchas Rabbi of Koret and by R. Yisrael Dov Ber HaLevi of Stepan. The title page of the second copy was forged: The true place of printing is replaced by the word "in Korets", printed in large bold letters, headed by the abbreviation of "as printed" in very small letters. Instead of the name of the printer, the following appears: "Published by the rabbi… R. Avraham Yitzchak bookseller of Zhovkva", with a chronogram for the year 1787. The approbations on verso were omitted.
Inscriptions, signatures and stamps in the first copy.
Two copies. [1], 147, 48 leaves. 23.5 cm. Both copies are in overall good condition. Stains and minor wear. Copy 1: dark stains, wear and wormhole to title page. Dampstains to several leaves. Copy 2: worming in several places, affecting text. New leather bindings (non-uniform).
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 27.
Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books