Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Or HaMe'ir – Poritsk, 1815

Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Or HaMe'ir, Chassidic articles on the Torah, by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf of Zhitomir. Poritsk. [1815]. Approbations of Rabbi Mordechai ben Rabbi Pinchas Av Beit Din of Koritz, and Rabbi Yisrael Dov Ber HaLevi of Stepan.
With ownership inscriptions and various signatures: Signed inscription about the sale of the book to Rabbi Moshe Yochanan Sheinfeld Rabbi of Mihalyfalva (died in 1913, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, Vol. 3, 349-350), signed "Ye'uda---". Inscription: "I have bought it from R' Moshe Yochanan, Shlomo Auerbach". Signature (in pencil) and stamp of Rabbi "Zvi Ze'ev Wolf Goldberg Magid in the Beit Midrash of the Chassidic congregation and Torah authority of the Berehove community", [author of Aleph Ze'ira – Mukacheve, 1911. Perished in the Holocaust]. Faded signature on the edge of the title page in ancient handwriting: "Reuven --- of [Großwardein?]".
[1] 147, 48 leaves. 22.5 cm. Good-fair condition, worm holes, the title page and following leaf have restorations. New semi-leather binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 27. The first edition of the two editions printed in Koritz [the second edition was printed without approbations, the date and place are false].
Chassidism – Books
Chassidism – Books