Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Notebooks of Discourses by Rabbi Chaim Zaitchik

Opening: $300
Notebooks of discourses, ideas and stories, registered by Rabbi Chaim Zaitchik in his handwriting. 1965-1969.
Discourses in different Yeshivot and "Batey Mussar" around the country. Some matters were only outlined but done so clearly enough as to enable the reader to comprehend the ideas.
Rabbi Chaim Ephraim Zaitchik (1905-1989), is of the greatest Mussar Movement rabbis in our generation. Disciple of Novardok Yeshivot, founded the Novardok Yeshivah in Buchach (Galicia). Was in Siberia during World War II and afterwards emigrated to the United States, where he started printing Mussar books. In 1960 he made aliya to Israel where he served as spiritual head of Yeshivat Tife'eret Ha'Carmel in Haifa and held Mussar talks all over the country. He later moved to Jerusalem, where he established "Or Chadash" yeshivah and continued teaching Torah and Mussar. Wrote tens of books.
Study of the notebooks presents the rich and unique spiritual world of Rabbi Chaim Zaitchik, who bases his ideas on the Novardok school on one hand and on Chassidut and Maharal books on the other hand.
9 notebooks, 16 cm. Very good condition. (Some leaves were cut by the writer).