Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Non-Traditional Haggadah – Kibbutz Revivim, 1940s

Opening: $100
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Passover Haggadah. Kibbutz Revivim, [between 1943 to 1947]. Illustrations by Aryeh Yechieli.
The Haggadah begins with a description of the Omer custom, the harvest song "Ra'inu Amaleinu KeAmal Hanemalim" and the Dew Prayer. Its second part deals with the hardships the nation experienced in exile, its redemption and the vision of building the nation in its country. An illustration alongside the words "Hashata hacha… l'shana habaa bnei chorin" […next year we will be free people] depicts a ship rocked by the waves at night, hinting at the illegal immigration enterprise. The Haggadah also quotes from Bialik's poem, "Metei Midbar HaAchronim" (The Last Dead of the Desert), and Alterman's poem, "Mikol HaAmim" (From All the Nations), alongside passages of the Haggadah, Midrash, poetry and prose.
The Haggadah ends with the kibbutz founders' vision of making the Negev bloom (the founders of the kibbutz lived in temporary sites for many years before managing to take possession of the land of the Kibbutz in 1943): "Days will come and the place we are going to will be ours… next year in rebuilt Revivim".
Aryeh Yechieli, one of the founders of the Kibbutz, was a fighter of the Palmach, a poet and writer who illustrated his own books. He was killed while defending the Kibbutz in December 1947.
36 pp (alongside several blank pages which were not included in the pagination), 21 cm. Good-fair condition. Leaf 27-28 is cut with damage to text. Trimmed margins. Stains and creases. Several small tears.
Enclosed: a typewritten leaf with the words of the song "Chad Gadya" adapted by Mordechai Amitai.
Passover Haggadot
Passover Haggadot