Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Moses Mendelssohn - Collection of Books - First Editions

Opening: $500
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Three editions of "Phaedon", by Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) :
1. Phֳ©don, ou Entretiens sur la Spiritualitֳ© et L'Immortalitֳ© de L'Ame. Paris, 1772. First French edition. Frontispiece etching.
2. Phaedon. Brno, 1798. Hebrew. Bound with "The Soul" which is the shortened version of "Phaedon". Brno, 1798. Hebrew. Both are second editions.
3. Phaedon oder ֳœber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele, in drey Gesprֳ₪chen. Berlin and Szczecin, 1776. Fourth edition. Frontispiece etching.
Additional books by Mendelssohn and books about his works:
4. Antwort an den Herrn Moses Mendelssohn zu Berlin, von Johann Caspar Lavater. Berlin and Szczecin, 1770. First edition.
5. Jerusalem, oder ֳ¼ber religiֳ¶se Macht und Judentum. [Jerusalem, or On Religious Power and Judaism]. Berlin, 1783. First edition. This book is considered the most important book by Mendelssohn, where he calls for religious tolerance and recognition of rights for Jews.
6. ֳœber Herrn Moses Mendelssohns Jerusalem, politisch religiֳ¶se Macht, Judenthum und Christenthum, [von August Georg Uhle]. Berlin and Leipzig, 1784. First edition. Published anonymously. About Mendelssohn's book, "Jerusalem", see above.
7. Morgenstunden oder Vorlesungen ֳ¼ber das Daseyn Gottes ["Mo'adey Shachar", proof of the existence of G-d]. First volume (no others published). Berlin, 1786. Second edition.
Total of seven books, size varies, generally in good condition.
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