Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art

"Mitzvat Nashim Melumadah" – Venice, 1616 – Original Ornate Leather Binding with Multiple Decorations and Family Emblem

Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium

"Mitzvat Nashim Melumadah", Precetti da esser imparati dalle donne Hebree, "Laws of Niddah, Challah, Candle Lighting and Derech Eretz". Venice: Appresso Giacomo Sarzina press, 1616. First edition.
Original, ornate leather binding, decorated with numerous rich gilt ornamentations.
On both sides of the binding appear decorations of a lion holding three sheaves. This illustration is similar to the emblem of the Altaras family, appearing in the book Araldica Ebraica in Italia, which shows a lion holding one sheaf. See: Elvio Giuditta, Araldica Ebraica in Italia, [Torino], [Società Italiana di Studi Araldici], 2007, part I, p.19.
Gilt impresion in the center of the back cover: "G. A".
On the verso of the last page, censor's signature of Renato da Modena, from 1626.

101, [10] pages. Missing [5] first pages. Approx. 19 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and large dark stains. Tears, including small open tears, affecting text in several places. Original decorated leather binding, with worming, wear and defects. Front binding board and spine detached.

PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.

Early Printed Books – 16th and 17th Centuries
Early Printed Books – 16th and 17th Centuries