Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Mikdash Melech – Signatures and Stamps of Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech Shapira of Grodzisk and Sons

Opening: $1,500
Sefer Mikdash Melech, Zohar commentary, section two on Sefer Shemot. By Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo. Zholkva, 1794. Second edition.
Stamps of Rebbe Rabbi “Elimelech Shapira of Grodzisk” and notation in his handwriting and signature: “Purchased by Rabbi Yechezkel, Elimelech”. On leaf preceding title page stamps of his sons, Rebbe Rabbi “Kalonymus Kalman son of Rabbi Elimelech Shapira – Grodzisk” and Rebbe Rabbi “Yeshaya son of Rabbi Elimelech Shapira – Grodzisk”.
Holy Rabbi Elimelech Shapira of Grodzisk (1824-1892), son of Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel the “Saraf [angel] of Moglintza” and grandson of Maggid of Koznitz and Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk. Among greatest righteous Torah giants in Poland, whose impact was great throughout the country. His rabbi, Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, directed him to serve as leader and receive Kvitlach. [Eventually, he sent a lengthy letter to author of Divrei Chaim of Sanz regarding great holiness of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin and his righteous sons].
In his old age when he was already grandfather to many grandsons (many of which served in the leadership, such as Rabbi Yisrael of Grodzisk and Rabbi Yisrael Perlow, the “Yenuka” [baby] of Karlin), he remarried to daughter of Rebbe of Chantshin, who bore him two sons in his old age; Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman of Piaseczno (author of Chovat HaTalmidim) and Rabbi Yishayahu Shapira (The Admor HaChalutz). After his demise, his wife Rabbanit Chana Bracha, served in the leadership; she received Kvitlach and even wore a four-cornered garment (Encyclopedia of Chassidism, p. 627). Was blessed with longevity and passed away in 1939. Many of the Polish Rebbes were among his disciples; most famous of them is Rabbi Yechiel Meir HaLevi, rebbe of Austrovtza. Authored Imrei Elimelech and Divrei Elimelech.
[1], 164 leaves [missing end of book, originally: [1] 248 leaves]. 19 cm. Fair condition, wear, stains and moth damage. Missing leather binding.
Hassidism - Manuscripts and Letters
Hassidism - Manuscripts and Letters