Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Manuscript Handwritten by Baba Sali - Leaf from the Kabbalistic Book Pri Etz Chaim

Opening: $2,000
Manuscript leaf, out of the book Pri Etz Chaim by R. Chaim Vital, handwritten in 1933 by the holy kabbalist R. Yisrael Abuchatzeira - the Baba Sali, from which he regularly studied.
Enclosed are two reports confirming the authenticity of the manuscript. One is from his son R. Baruch Abuchatzeira (Baba Baruch), attesting that the composition was copied by his father "and it remained with him, and he would read it often, primarily on Shabbat".
The second report, from the expert R. Yosef Avivi, pertains to the entire manuscript, and he quotes the colophon featured at the end of the manuscript (not included in this lot), signed by Baba Sali, in which Baba Sali attests that he copied this holy book himself in 1933. R. Avivi notes that the style of writing changes over the course of the manuscript, using various types of scripts, and these variations are typical of original manuscripts by the Baba Sali.
R. Yisrael Abuchatzeira, the "Baba Sali" (1889-1984) was the son of R. Mas'ud - rabbi of Tafilalt (Morocco), son of R. Yaakov Abuchatzeira. An outstanding Torah scholar, well-versed in revealed and hidden realms of the Torah, holy and pure from his youth. He published the writings of his grandfather, R. Yaakov. He served as chief rabbi of Erfoud and the vicinity. In 1950, he immigrated to Jerusalem, returning to Morocco in 1957. In 1964, he came back to Eretz Israel and settled in Netivot. His counsel and blessings were sought by multitudes, including prominent leaders and Torah scholars, and he was famed as a wonder-worker. His sons and grandsons are the famous rabbis of the Abuchatzeira dynasty.
[1] leaf. Written on one side, in Maghrebi Rashi script. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Restored and mounted on tissue paper.
Kabbalistic Manuscripts
Kabbalistic Manuscripts