Auction 97 Part 2 Rare and Important Items
Magen Avraham – Amsterdam, 1732 – Copy of the Kabbalist Rabbi Nathan Adler, Teacher of the Chatam Sofer
Magen Avraham, commentary on the Tosefta by R. Avraham Abele Gombiner (author of the Magen Avraham commentary on the Shulchan Aruch), with Part II of Lechem HaPanim (on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah) by R. Moshe Yekutiel Kaufman, son-in-law of the Magen Avraham. Amsterdam: Shlomo Katz Proops, [1732]. First edition. Divisional title page for Lechem HaPanim.
Copy of the kabbalist R. Nathan Adler, teacher of the Chatam Sofer.
On title page, ownership inscription: "Belongs to the outstanding Torah scholar R. Natan son of the late R. Shimon Adler Katz". Additional inscription (on inner margin of title page): "This book belongs to… R. Natan… Adler Katz".
Two signatures of former owner: "Yosef Josbel Segal of Fürth" – R. Yosef Josbel Segal of Fürth, author of Emek HaShaveh printed in Emek Yehoshua, Offenbach, 1722. Son-in-law of R. Shimon Segal, Rabbi of Heidingsfeld and the Principality of Würzburg.
On second title page (for Lechem HaPanim), additional signature of R. Yosef Josbel Segal of Fürth, deleted by crossing out, next to an ownership inscription: "Belongs to R. Nathan Adler Katz".
On p. 47a, short handwritten gloss, possibly in the hand of R. Nathan Adler (the gloss is marked with his customary three dots).
R. Nathan HaKohen Adler (1742-1800), born in Frankfurt to R. Yaakov Shimon Adler. An outstanding Torah scholar and eminent kabbalist, he headed the yeshiva he established in his home in Frankfurt, and was the prime teacher of R. Moshe Sofer, the Chatam Sofer – who mentions him extensively in his books in halachic and kabbalistic matters, referring to him as "my prime teacher, the renowned and pious Torah scholar, the great eagle" (alluding to the name Adler, German for eagle), and other honorific titles. He suffered much persecution from the residents of his city, who even forbade him from holding prayer services in his Beit Midrash conforming with his singular kabbalistic customs. In 1782, R. Nathan Adler left Frankfurt for Boskowitz (Boskovice), Moravia. His disciple R. Moshe Sofer (the Chatam Sofer) remained with him, accompanying him to Boskowitz where he continued studying under him. R. Nathan Adler served as rabbi for only two years in Boskowitz, the only time he held a rabbinic position. In ca. 1785, he returned to his home and Beit Midrash in Frankfurt.
[2], 60 leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Some wear and tears. Worming to several leaves, affecting text. Several detached leaves. Without binding.