Machzor with the Kimcha DeAvishona Commentary, Part II – Bologna, 1540 – Thousands of Glosses, with Teachings Heard from Mantuan Torah Scholars

Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Sold for: $9,375
Including buyer's premium
Roman rite machzor, with the Kimcha DeAvishona commentary. Part II – prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and fast days; with laws and year-round haftarot. Bologna: [Menachem son of Abraham of Modena, Yechiel son of Solomon of Ravenna and Dan Aryeh son of Solomon Chaim of Monselice, 1540].
One of the most important machzorim printed in Italy. First edition of Kimcha DeAvishona, comprehensive commentary to prayers and piyyutim, by R. Yochanan son of R. Yosef Treves (the commentary was published anonymously; regarding different copies of this machzor, some featuring the name of the author, see: Alexander Marx, R. Joseph Arli and R. Johanen Treves, Kovetz Mada'i LeZecher Moshe Schorr, New York 1945, pp. 193-194; Yitzchak Rivkind, Dikdukei Soferim, Kiryat Sefer, IV, 1927-1928, pp. 274-275).
There are thousands of glosses and emendations in Italian script throughout the machzor, including lengthy glosses with important content. The writer was presumably a Mantuan Torah scholar in ca. 1620s-30s. The glosses include teachings heard from Mantuan Torah scholars, customs and textual variations, commentaries, authors of piyyutim, references, and more.
The glosses mention Mantuan Torah scholars in the writer's time: R. Moshe Provençal, d. 1576 ("I heard from the late R. Provençal that the true text is…" – p. [32b]); R. Menachem Azariah of Fano, d. 1620; R. Chananya Elyakim Rieti, d. ca. 1623; R. Yitzchak son of R. Yehuda HaLevi, d. 1630 ("the secret of milah, which I received from the kabbalist R. Yitzchak Levi…" – p. [184a]; he is also mentioned in an [ownership?] inscription in Italian on one of the back endpapers).
The glosses also mention Venetian and Mantuan customs.
At the end of the book, two leaves in Italian script with the text of Pitum HaKetoret, recited in times of plague. Censorship deletions in several places.
[189] leaves. 33 cm. Fair-good condition. Many stains, including dampstains, dark stains and wax stains. Wear. Many tears, including open tears, affecting text in several places, repaired with paper. Minor marginal tears to title page, repaired with paper (over title page border). Minor damage to engraved title page border, due to binding. Censor's signature. New leather binding.
Less than twenty Hebrew titles were ever printed in Bologna, and this machzor is one of the last of them.
Prayer Books and Haggadot
Prayer Books and Haggadot