Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
Levush HaTechelet and Levush HaChur – Prague, 1609 – Incomplete Copy
Opening: $500
Levush HaTechelet and Levush HaChur, on Orach Chaim, by R. Mordechai Yoffe. Prague: R. Moshe son of R. Yosef Betzalel Katz, [1609?].
Incomplete copy. The title page of this book does not state the year of printing and is graphically different from the title pages of the other parts which were printed in Prague that year. The bottom of the title page contains the following inscription in early Ashkenazic script: "Printed in the year 'Mordechai Yoffe' which is 1609, see end" (it is unclear what the writer meant by "see end"). The body of the book matches the Prague 1609 edition, yet many missing leaves were replaced from a copy of a different edition (apparently also printed in Prague). The title page may also be a replacement from a different edition, or a variant of the 1609 edition.
Ownership inscriptions on the back endpaper.
1, 6-26, 28-42, 45-76, 78-81, 83-89, 91-92, 94-242, 245, 247 leaves. Lacking leaves 2-5, 27, 43-44, 77, 82, 90, 93, 243-244, 246. Altogether lacking 14 leaves (most of the missing leaves were replaced from a copy of a different edition apparently also printed in Prague). 28 cm. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Title page and other leaves detached. Large tears to several leaves affecting text. Original leather binding, damaged. Torn spine. Back cover detached.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.
Incomplete copy. The title page of this book does not state the year of printing and is graphically different from the title pages of the other parts which were printed in Prague that year. The bottom of the title page contains the following inscription in early Ashkenazic script: "Printed in the year 'Mordechai Yoffe' which is 1609, see end" (it is unclear what the writer meant by "see end"). The body of the book matches the Prague 1609 edition, yet many missing leaves were replaced from a copy of a different edition (apparently also printed in Prague). The title page may also be a replacement from a different edition, or a variant of the 1609 edition.
Ownership inscriptions on the back endpaper.
1, 6-26, 28-42, 45-76, 78-81, 83-89, 91-92, 94-242, 245, 247 leaves. Lacking leaves 2-5, 27, 43-44, 77, 82, 90, 93, 243-244, 246. Altogether lacking 14 leaves (most of the missing leaves were replaced from a copy of a different edition apparently also printed in Prague). 28 cm. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Title page and other leaves detached. Large tears to several leaves affecting text. Original leather binding, damaged. Torn spine. Back cover detached.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.
Early Printed books
Early Printed books