Auction 57 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Letter of Responsa from Rabbi Mordechai Leib Winkler, Rabbi of Mad, Author of "Levushei Mordechai" - 1921

Opening: $800
A letter of responsa, handwritten and signed by R. Mordechai Leib Winkler, author of "Levushei Mordechai". Mad, 1921.
The letter was sent to R. Yisrael Veltz, rabbi of Budapest. On the reverse is a heading in the handwriting of R. Veltz: "Responsa from the rabbi of Mad - still unpublished". [This responsa was also not published in the new edition of Responsa Levushei Mordechai (New York, 2011), in which many other repsonsa addressed to R. Veltz were published.]
On the bottom of the page is a second letter (approximately 5 lines), written and signed by R. Winkler, sent to R. Shlomo Katz with instructions regarding the printing of his responsa.
R. Mordechai Leib Winkler, rabbi of Mad, author of "Levushei Mordechai" (1845-1932) was the preeminent disciple of R. Yitzchak Aharon Landsberg, rabbi of Grosswardein (Oradea). From 1874 he was active in the rabbinate, and in 1902 he became rabbi in Mad, where he remained until his death in 1932. He headed a large yeshiva in Mad, and was known as one of the three pillars of Torah law in Hungary, together with R. Yeshaya Zilberstein, rabbi of Veitzen (Vac) and R. Shimon Greenfeld, the Maharshag. With the publication of his responsa, he became renowned throughout the Jewish world as one of the preeminent halachic decisors, and his responsa are regarded as among the foremost in the area of halachic writings. (See Cohen, Chachmei Transylvania, pp. 98-99).
[1] leaf, 33.5 cm. Approximately 40 handwritten lines. Fair condition. Large tears along the fold lines and in the margins, without damage to text.