Auction 66 - Rare and Important Items

Letter of Recommendation from Rebbe Pinchas of Ustila – Blessing for Satisfaction from his Sons and Wishes for Purim and Passover

Opening: $15,000
Estimate: $20,000 - $25,000
Sold for: $18,750
Including buyer's premium
Letter handwritten and signed by Rebbe Pinchas Twersky, cherished son-in-law of Rebbe Yissachak Dov Rokeach of Belz. Belz, [1913].
The letter concludes with his signature: "Pinchas son of R. Mordechai", and his stamp: "Pinchas son of R. M. Twersky – son-in-law of the rabbi of Belz".
Letter of recommendation and blessings, addressed to the philanthropist R. Tzvi Hirsh Neiblier. In this letter, R. Pinchas appeals to him to assist R. Wolf Heller of Safed, who would be visiting his community, and would require his assistance in a certain matter. The Rebbe describes R. Heller as "My friend, the astute and erudite rabbi, the pious and perfect R. Zev Wolf Heller of Safed", and requests: "Please make efforts on his behalf concerning whatever he asks of you… since the bearer of this letter is worthy of receiving your help". The Rebbe blesses the recipient of the letter: "And the merit of the great deed will protect him, to be blessed with all his heart's desires for the good, for blessing, to reap much satisfaction from his sons…". In the conclusion of this letter dated "Tuesday night, Tzav 1913 (10th Adar II 1913), the Rebbe extends his wishes for the approaching festivals of Purim and Passover: "…and blesses him with all good, may he greet the days of Purim with gladness and joy, and celebrate the festival of Matzot in conformity with Halacha and in happiness".
Rebbe Pinchas Twersky Rabbi of Ustila (Ustylúh; ca. 1880-perished in the Holocaust 1943), known as "R. Piniele Ustiler" and "Der Ustiler Rebbi", was a leading rebbe in Galicia-Volhyn. He was the son of Rebbe Mordechai of Rachmastrivka, and illustrious son-in-law of Rebbe Yissachar Dov Rokeach of Belz (the Maharid). His marriage to Rebbetzin Chana Rochel was celebrated in Belz in 1900, and he resided there, close to his prominent father-in-law, from 1902. During WWI, he wandered together with his father-in-law to Ratzfert, Munkacs and Oleszyce. In 1923, he was appointed rabbi and rebbe of Ustila, Volhyn, and in 1932, he moved to Pshemishel (Przemyśl). After he began serving as rabbi, his fame quickly spread. He was one of the leading rebbes of his generation, and was accepted in all circles. With the outbreak of WWII, he fled together with his family to Sambor, from which he was deported to Bełżec and murdered, in Iyar 1943, together with his wife and some of their children. One of his surviving descendants was his daughter the Rebbetzin of Skver–USA, wife of his son-in-law Rebbe Yaakov Yosef of Skver–USA. His father-in-law Rebbe Yissachar Dov of Belz held his son-in-law in high esteem, and extolled his great holiness effusively. Reputedly, when he first saw him before the match was concluded, he acclaimed him as one of the greatest souls of the generation. He is also known to have praised him: "Holiness glows from his face"; "It is a segulah for attaining fear of G-d to gaze upon the countenance of a Jew such as him"; "Even fifty years ago he would have been considered exceptional". In the years R. Pinchas lived in Belz, his father-in-law is known to have declared on several occasions: "It is a privilege for me to be together with him under one roof". Whenever the rebbe of Belz wished to know where to find a verse in the Bible or a Rashi, he would ask his son-in-law R. Piniele.
The following is a description of his years in Belz close to his father-in-law: "He was regarded with esteem and awe… he was viewed as a figure from previous generations, holy from birth… he would seclude himself, and remain enclosed in his room bedecked in Tallit and Tefillin, delving in Torah and worship of G-d, day and night, without any profane talk… he would only sleep for a brief stretch of two hours a day… he ate little, and distributed his money to charity…" (Encyclopedia L'Chachmei Galicia, III, pp. 25-26). When R. Pinchas travelled to Ustila to serve as its rabbi, his father-in-law the Maharid blessed him that he should merit to bring salvations to the Jewish people. The blessing was fulfilled, and from the beginning of his tenure as rabbi of Ustila, he earnt the reputation of a wonder-worker, who cured the sick and helped barren women conceive.
The beneficiary of the letter: R. Zev Wolf Heller, a prominent Chassid in Safed. Son-in-law of R. Shmuel Heller Rabbi of Safed. He published the book Ayelet Ahavim by R. Shlomo Alkabetz (Lemberg, 1889).
[1] leaf. 22.5 cm. good condition. Stains. Folding marks.
Published in Michtavim VeIgrot Kodesh, New York, 2003, pp. 312-313.
Letters – Chassidic Luminaries
Letters – Chassidic Luminaries