Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Letter of Rebbe Moshe of Kosov – Kosov, 1908

Opening: $300
Sold for: $2,750
Including buyer's premium

Letter of Rebbe Moshe Hager. Kosov (Kosiv), Adar II, 1908.
Scribal writing (?), with the Rebbe's signature: "Moshe son of the Tzaddik, the Rabbi of Kosov".
Sent to the administration of Kollel Kosov in Safed, regarding sending Pesach funds for the poor students of the Kollel. The Rebbe offers lengthy blessings: "I now bless them that God have abundant mercy on them and protect them from evil maladies and fears liable to come there, and may the communal pride of Israel be raised, and may we merit to go up to Zion joyfully. From their friend… blessing them to receive the upcoming Passover festival with joy and much propriety – Moshe son of the Tzaddik, the Rabbi of Kosov".

Rebbe Moshe Hager (1860-1925, Encyclopedia LaChassidut, III, p. 263), son and successor of Rebbe Yaakov Shimshon of Kosov (1814-1880), a profound and multifarious Torah scholar, proficient in Torah and general sciences. His books include: Leket Ani, Or HaEmunah, Hegyon Levavi. His writings were edited and published by his disciple R. David Sperber, Rabbi of Brașov (1875-1962, foremost Galician and Romanian rabbi, author of Afarkasta DeAnya).

[1] leaf. 21.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear and folds. Tear to middle of fold (repaired with tape to back).

Chassidut – Letters
Chassidut – Letters