Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Letter by Rabbi Naftali Zvi Unger to his Brother-in-law Rebbe Chune Halberstam Av Beit Din of Kołaczyce

Opening: $500
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Autograph letter signed by Rabbi "Naftali Zvi Unger", to his brother-in-law Rebbe Chune Halberstam. Bardejov, [1906].
Letter of good wishes in honor of the appointment of Rabbi Chune'le as Av Beit Din of the Kołaczyce community: "To my brother-in-law my friend, the outstanding sharp Chassid and humble…Rabbi Chune'le Av Beit Din of Kołaczyce…about the good tidings which reached us that you have been awarded a position in the Kołaczyce rabbinate…Mazal tov, G-d should give you grace in the eyes of people that your words should be heartily accepted and you should merit rendering true halachic decisions without ever erring, G-d forbid…".
Rabbi Naftali Zvi Unger (1880-perished in the Holocaust in 1942), son of Rebbe Moshe Elyakim Beri'a Unger Av Beit Din of Dumbrava, and son-in-law of Rebbe Moshe Halberstam of Bardejov who was son-in-law of Rebbe Chune Halberstam of Kołaczyce (1884-1942). Rabbi Naftali Zvi lived in Bardejov and established a yeshiva in which he raised many Torah scholars. Great in Torah and Chassidism, he refused to accept the various rabbinic positions offered to him in many important Galician cities. Even the position of Dumbrava Rebbe he passed over to his younger brother.
Postcard, 14 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, light damages to corners.
Letters - Chassidism
Letters - Chassidism