Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art

Letter by Rabbi Isser Zalman Melzer – Jerusalem, 1937 – Recommendation for Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Levin of Jerusalem, Student of Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz

Opening: $300
Sold for: $475
Including buyer's premium

Autograph Letter, Signed by Rabbi Isser Zalman Melzer, dean of the "Etz Chaim" Yeshivah. Jerusalem, 1937.
Sent to R. Yechezkel Abramsky, head of the London Beit Din. A letter of recommendation for his student traveling to London, Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Levin (son of the "Jerusalem Tzaddik" Rabbi Aryeh Levin, and son-in-law of Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Levin of England): "My beloved and cherished student, the eminent Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Levin, is traveling to your camp. He has been a tremendous prodigy since his youth, and was my student in our yeshiva. Later, his soul yearned to exile himself to a place of Torah, and he traveled to Poland on my advice to his relative, the great Gaon and Tzaddik, Baruch Dov Leibowitz, who took special care of him at my request and studied with him privately for two years. Thank God, he succeeded wonderfully, and his excellent book 'Cheil HaMikdash' testifies to his great powers of depth and reasoning..."
At the bottom of the letter, Rabbi Isser Zalman adds a few lines, further praising Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Levin and his righteous father R. Aryeh Levin: "I would like to add that since he returned from his teacher, R. Baruch Dov Leibowitz, he has not left my side, and all the novellae he published were discussed with me… I am confident you will fulfill my request."

R. Isser Zalman Melzer (1870-1954), author of "Even Ha'Ezel". One of the greatest Gaonim of Lithuania and Jerusalem. Student of the Netziv and Rabbi Chaim of Brisk at the Volozhin Yeshiva. Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Slutsk. Immigrated to Jerusalem in 1924 and was appointed Rosh Mesivta at the "Etz Chaim" Yeshiva. One of the leaders of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. Father-in-law of R. Aharon Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva of Kletzk and Lakewood (who headed the "Independent Education" system).

The subject of the letter, rabbi Chaim Yaakov Levin (1911-1997), rabbi in the USA and Israel. Rabbi of Seattle, Jersey City and Pardes Chana. An extraordinary and humble genius who concealed his ways despite being one of the greatest Torah scholars of his generation. From his childhood, he stood out for his sharpness and superior talents, with quick perception and an exceptional memory, and was the "delight" of Jerusalem's great rabbis. He studied at the "Etz Chaim" Yeshiva in Jerusalem and was considered the best of the yeshiva's students. In 1931, he traveled abroad to study at the Kaminetz Yeshiva under R. Baruch Ber Leibowitz (who had been the teacher and rabbi of his father, R. Aryeh Levin, during his studies at the Hlusk Yeshiva). At the Kaminetz Yeshiva, he studied for more than two years, where he was especially cherished by the Rosh Yeshiva, who would study with him for many hours in chavruta and prepare the daily lesson with him. During that time, R. Chaim Yaakov would send letters to his father with notes from the lessons he heard from his teacher R. Baruch Ber, especially novellae he heard "from the words of our teacher, the preeminent Torah scholar R. Chaim Soloveitchik of blessed memory". During his studies at the yeshiva in Kaminetz, he began writing his first book "Cheil HaMikdash" on matters of Kodashim, mentioned inpresent letter. When Rabbi Chaim Yaakov returned to Israel, his teacher Rabbi Isser Zalman wrote a letter to his friend Rabbi Baruch Ber expressing his amazement at his progress "during the years under his wing". Among other things, R. Isser Zalman wrote to Rabbi Baruch Ber: "...he became your distinguished student and received the straight and deep way of learning. What can I say to my friend, I express my deep gratitude for his education and influence on him, as I found much more in him than I expected. He has completely changed, as before his excellence was only in speed, straightness and memory, but with Your Honor he received much of the way of depth, and I saw in his notebook novellae on Kodashim with great depth, and when I spoke with him I saw that he is full of Your Honor's foundations..." (Yeshurun, vol. 30, p. 478).
After his marriage to Rebbetzin Shulamit, daughter of R. Yehuda Leib HaLevi Levin of the rabbis of London, he settled in Jerusalem and gave lectures at the "Etz Chaim" Yeshiva from 1935 to 1937. In 1937 he traveled to London and after a period immigrated to the USA, where he served as a rabbi and taught Torah in Seattle and Jersey City. When his uncle, R. Tzvi Pesach Frank, passed away, he was offered the position of R. of Jerusalem, but he humbly declined.
Only in 1970 did he return to Israel and was appointed Rabbi of Pardes Chana. See his detailed biography in the memorial section dedicated to him, printed in "Yeshurun" (vol. 30, Jerusalem, 2014, "Vayechi Yaakov" section, pp. 191-536).

[1] leaf. Official stationery. Approx. 28 cm. Good-fair condition. Creases and tears at margins, affecting text.

PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.

Letters by Important Rabbis and Manuscripts
Letters by Important Rabbis and Manuscripts