Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania

Letter of Rabbi Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum of Nagyecsed (Grandson of the Rebbe of Kolbuszowa) – On the Difficulties of the Nagyecsed Yeshiva Prior to the Holocaust

Opening: $250

Letter handwritten and signed by R. Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum of Ecsed. [Ecsed (Nagyecsed), Rosh HaShanah eve, early 1940s].

The letter is written on official stationery: "Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum, rabbi and posek of Nagyecsed", signed – "Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum", and stamped – "Avraham Aharon – leader of yeshiva – N[agy]ecsed".

Request for help and assistance for the students of the yeshiva in Ecsed, sent to the head directors of "Chevrah Tomchei Torah" in New York. "Since I heard of your good reputation and your good deeds, that you support the Torah, how goodly and beautiful is your portion, and may our portion be with yours".

In his letter R. Avraham Aharon describes the difficult times in the city just before the Holocaust: "…Because of the oppression going on in our countries, our livelihood is continually diminishing every day because of the new persecutions coming all the time, as you surely know from the newspapers. Naturally it is understood that directing the yeshiva is also very difficult, and it cannot be described on paper how hard it is to direct the yeshiva with so little bread and water… So I come to request, please have pity and mercy and quickly support the yeshiva students with your charity… And may the merit of the Torah stand at your side to merit to revive the community and restore the pride of the Torah and those who learn it. Hoping for his request to be fulfilled and blessing you with a Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah and a good and blessed year sweet as honey, Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum".

R. Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum (perished in the Holocaust, 1944), rabbi and yeshiva dean in Ecsed (Nagyecsed, Satmar region). Son of R. David Teitelbaum, Av Beit Din of Ecsed, author of Divrei David (son of Rebbe Avraham Aharon Teitelbaum of Kolbuszowa, son of the Yitav Lev of Sighet). His father R. David Teitelbaum served for over thirty years as Av Beit Din of Ecsed (from 1912-1944). He established a yeshiva in his house's study for dozens of students. Towards the end of his life, his son R. Avraham Aharon assisted him with his duties as rabbi and took upon himself to direct the yeshiva. During this period, R. Avraham Aharon would often write his father's letters. R. Avraham Aharon and his father R. David perished in the Holocaust in 1944 together with all the members of their community.

The only one of R. David's six sons to survive the Holocaust was Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Teitelbaum, Rebbe of Ecsed in Boro Park (passed away 1974).

[1] double leaf, official stationery. 23.5 cm. Good condition. Folds. Pin holes. Light wear.

On the yeshiva in Nagyecsed, see: Hungarian Yeshivas in their Prime and in their Destruction, Part II, pp. 196-199 (Hebrew; the present letter is photographed there, p. 199); VaYityaldu Al Mishpechotam, Bnei Brak, 2004, pp. 85, 151.

Manuscripts, Letters and Posters – The Yitav Lev and his Descendants
Manuscripts, Letters and Posters – The Yitav Lev and his Descendants