Auction 19 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Letter of Approbation for a Slaughterer by Lithuanian Rabbis

Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Letter of approbation for a slaughterer, handwritten and signed by the Rabbi of ֵ eduva Rabbi Noach Rabinowitz with his stamps "Noach son of Yechiel Michel Rabinowitz". ֵ eduva, 1900. [Rabbi Noach Rabinowitz, 1839-1901, author of "Mei Noach" and "Toldot Noach"].
On reverse side of leaf are more letters of approbation:
Letter by the renowned Rabbi "Moshe Mishel Shmuel Shapira of Raguva", 1901. 1799-1833, a prominent Lithuanian rabbi, brought many times in the writings of the Aderet, the Maharsham's responsa and in the "Sdei Chemed". Authored many books: "Sechiot HaChemda" (at the end of the book "Chemdat Shaul"), "He'arat HaShemesh", "Maharam Mash", etc.
Letter by Rabbi "Ze'ev Wolf Lehrman of Erzvilkas and now a guest here in Raguva ". 1901. [Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Lehrman, born in 1860, served as Rabbi of Erzvilkas (Novo- Aleksandrovsk) Kaunas region].
Two pages, approx. 22 cm. Fair condition. Restored wear tears, in margins and leaf folds.