Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Leaf Handwritten by the Chatam Sofer - Homily on Parashiot Yitro, Mishpatim and Teruma (Homily on the Verse "And He will Bless Your Food and Your Drink, and I will Remove Illness from Your Midst")

Opening: $10,000
Sold for: $22,500
Including buyer's premium
Leaf (two written pages - approx. 60 lines) handwritten by R. Moshe Sofer, the Chatam Sofer - homily on the Torah.
The heading "Yitro" appears at the top of the first page, and at the bottom of the page: "For Parashat Mishpatim". At the top of the second page, the heading: "For Parashat Mishpatim", and in the middle of the page: "For Parashat Teruma".
The Chatam Sofer wrote these novellae in 1805, and they were published in his book Chatam Sofer on the Torah, Part II - Book of Shemot. The homily on this leaf pertain to the following verses: "All that the Lord spoke we will do", "I will hear because I am gracious", "And you shall worship the Lord, your G-d, and He will bless your food and your drink, and I will remove illness from your midst", "And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst, according to all that I show you".
[1] leaf (2 written pages - approx. 60 autograph lines). 24 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor wear.