Auction 75 - Rare and Important Items

Large Manuscript Certificate on Parchment – Emissary Letter for Rabbi Eliyahu Adahan, Issued by Kollelot Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess – Signed by Dozens of Tiberias Rabbis

Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Large manuscript certificate on parchment, emissary letter for R. Eliyahu Adahan, who was sent by Kollelot Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess to the Maghreb (Morocco and Algeria): Fez, Sefrou, Meknes, Debdou, Rabat, Salé and other cities. With the signatures of many Tiberias rabbis. Tiberias, [1907].
Large parchment sheet with a rounded top. Square and semi-cursive (Rashi) script. Decorated with verses at the top. Some letters are enlarged for emphasis and ornamentation.
In this emissary letter, the rabbis of Tiberias describe the holy yeshiva which operates in the courtyard of the gravesite of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, and the many students studying there. They portray the financial difficulties of the yeshiva, and the "army tax" imposed on the students. They further depict the salvations and miracles which all those who donate in the name of R. Meir Baal HaNess benefit from, such as women who promise during labor to donate money to the yeshiva of R. Meir Baal HaNess, and are thus saved, the salvations it brings to people who donated during a drought or famine. Thus, in the merit of R. Meir Baal HaNess, people have been blessed with "offspring, life and sustenance".
At the foot of the certificate there are dozens of calligraphic signatures of rabbis of Tiberias. The signatories include: R. Eliyahu Illouz, R. Elazar Bahloul, R. Eliyahu Benkiki, R. Betzalel Chai Assabag, R. David Reina, R. Chaim HaLevi Bensoussan, R. Yehuda Toledano, R. Yosef Chaim Illouz, R. Yaakov Bukai, R. Yaakov Vaknin, R. Yaakov Chai Zrihen, R. Yaakov Moshe Toledano, R. Yaakov Tzuri, R. Yitzchak Meir HaLevi Bensoussan, R. Machlouf Shetrit, R. Moshe Avraham Hamaoui, R. Moshe Meir Chai Elyakim, R. Nissim Eliyahu Maman, R. Azariah Chaim HaLevi, R. Akiva Chiya Bahloul, R. Shalom Arouah, R. Shlomo Bensamon, R. Shimon Vaknin, and others. Heading the list of signatories is a calligraphic signature-stamp of the rabbi of the city, R. Aharon Alhadef.
The emissary, R. Eliyahu Adahan (1852-1925) was a rabbi in Tiberias. He served for a while as shochet and bodek in Shechem. He travelled as emissary on behalf of the Sephardi Kollelot to the Bukhara, Morocco and Algeria.
Large parchment sheet. 69 cm. Good condition. Stains, folding marks and creases. Some signatures faded.
Eretz Israeli, Oriental and Maghrebi Rabbis
Eretz Israeli, Oriental and Maghrebi Rabbis