Online Auction 019 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Large Collections of Postage Stamps, Paper Labels and Paper Items – Palestine, the 20th Century

Opening: $300
Approx. 250 postage stamps, coupons, receipts, labels and additional paper items. Palestine and elsewhere, the 20th century.
A varied collection, which includes among others: * Many postage stamps, including stamps of the JNF, of "Kofer HaYishuv", of "Trumpeldor Alliance in Czechoslovakia", stamps of the second Maccabiah Games, stamps of the "Hadassah" Organization, stamps with the inscription "Palestine for the Arabs", and more. * Travel tickets, receipts for donations, paper labels and many other items.
A total of approx. 250 items, some of them appear in several copies. Size and condition vary.
Ephemera, Scrips and Share Certificates
Ephemera, Scrips and Share Certificates