Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Large Collection of Printed Leaves - Constantinople, Salonika and Italy - 16th Century

Opening: $1,000
Large and assorted collection of leaves from early printed books, many from a "bindings genizah", printed in Constantinople, Salonika and Italy, in the 16th century.
The collection includes: leaves from Sefer Yosifon, Constantinople 1510; leaves from Menorat HaMaor, Constantinople 1514 (first edition); leaves from Amudei Gola - Semak, Constantinople ca. 1510; leaves from Torat HaAdam by the Ramban, Constantinople 1519; leaf from Midrash Chamesh Megillot, Shir HaShirim Rabba, [Constantinople 1520?]; leaves from Akeidat Yitzchak, Salonika 1522; leaves from Pirushim LeRashi, Constantinople 1530; leaf from the Five Books of the Torah with Targum Onkelos and Ladino translation [Constantinople 1547?]; leaves from Mishneh Torah, Venice 1550-1551; leaves from Birkat Avraham, by R. Avraham Treves, Venice 1553; leaves from R. Alfas, Sabbioneta 1554; leaves from Lechem Yehuda by R. Yehuda Lerma, Sabbioneta 1554-1555; leaves from Responsa Mahari Ben Lev, Constantinople 1556; leaves from Yalkut Shimoni, Venice 1566; leaves from Tractate Avot, with the Milei DeAvot commentary by R. Yosef Hayun, Constantinople 1579; leaves from Maamar Mordechai by R. Shem Tov Melamed, Constantinople 1585; and more (some leaves have not been identified).
Over 100 leaves and leaf fragments. Size and condition vary (some leaves and leaf fragments very damaged due to binding).
Early Printed books
Early Printed books