Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Large Collection of Fragments of Printed Leaves and Ancient Manuscript Leaves

Opening: $400
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Large collection of leaves, fragments of printed books and manuscripts from various times, most were removed from "binding geniza". Various papers and letters. 15th- 19th centuries.
· Fragments of Talmud leaves of ancient printings. · Fragment of a leaf from the Book of Shoftim with the Radak and Ralbag commentaries [Spain? end of the 15th century]. · Many fragments from the book of the commentary of Rabbeinu Bechaye, [Pesaro, 1514], with parts of an ancient letter from Morocco signed by Rabbi Shlomo Ibn-Yuli. · Title page of Tractate Kiddushin, Amsterdam, 1647. · More various printed fragments.
· Ancient handwritten leaf, Ralbag commentary on the Torah. [15th/16th century]. · Fragments of ancient manuscript leaves [15th-17th century]: Novellae on Tractate Ketubot; homiletic for Purim; homiletic on the kingdom of the House of David; homiletic for Shabbat HaGadol and for Parshat Shemini; etc. · Two leaves from a handsome Italian manuscript, Tikun Lel HaChotemet for Hoshana Raba. · Booklet of piyyutim in nice-looking Oriental writing. · Many sections of Yemenite and Persian manuscripts - segulot and tikunim. · Handwritten Ketubah. Preshischa, 1884. · Various letters and papers.
More than 100 leaves. Size and condition vary. Most in poor condition resulting from the binding process.
Ancient Manuscripts
Ancient Manuscripts