Auction 19 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Large Collection of Breslov Chassidic Books

Opening: $400
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
A large and varied collection of various Breslov Chassidic books, most from 1875-1960.
Includes: Meshivat Nefesh (first edition Lemberg 1902, and other editions); Likutei Moharan (Jerusalem 1936, Apta 1938, etc.); Likutei Eitzot (Warsaw 1875, etc.); Likutei Halachot; Yerach HaEitanim; Tikun HaKlali; Chayei Moharan; Tefilla U'Techina L'Lag B'Omer; Zimrat HaAretz; Ma'ase B'Va'al Tefilla; Ma'ase M'Chacham V'Tam; Likutei Tikunim; Shivchei Haran; Sipurim Nifla'im; etc.
Approx. 48 books and booklets, various sizes and conditions, good-poor. One of the books has the signature of Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz, a prominent Breslov Chassid.