Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Large Collection of Books on Various Topics - 18th-20th Centuries - Some 140 Books

Opening: $600
Large collection of approximately 140 books on various topics. [Various places, 18th-20th centuries]. Most of the books are from the 19th-20th centuries.
The collection comprises classic books, Talmud and Mishnayot, Halachah and responsa, many books of novellae on the Talmud, commentaries to the Torah and Midrashim, ethics books, Haskalah and scholarly books, machzorim and prayer books, and more.
Some books feature signatures, stamps and ownership inscriptions.
The collection includes:
• Commentary to the Torah, by Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. Hanau, 1710.
• Two parts of Pachad Yitzchak by R. Yitzchak Lampronti (volumes I and III), first edition. Venice, [1750-1796].
• Siddur for weekdays and Shabbat, following the Sephardi rite. Amsterdam, [1771]. At the end of the siddur (p. 159b): signature of the publisher Yaakov da Silva Mendes, cantor of the Sephardic synagogue in Amsterdam in the second half of the 18th century.
• Tzelach - Tziyun LeNefesh Chaya, on Tractate Pesachim. Prague, [1783-1784]. First edition, the first volume of the Tzelach series. Printed in the author's lifetime.
• Polish rite machzor, for weekdays, the High Holidays and the Three Festivals. Prague, 1800-1801. Two volumes.
• Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Niddah and Order Taharot. Dyhernfurth, [1817-1819].
• Melechet Machshevet, commentary to the Torah by R. Moshe Chefetz. [Königsberg, 1860]. With the portrait of the author.
• Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, Part I. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, 1861.
• Sefer HaYashar, chronicles of the Torah period, with the glosses and notes by the first publisher, R. Yosef son of Shmuel HaKatan. Berlin, 1923. Woodcuts by Leo Michelson.
Approx. 140 books and a few booklets. Size and condition vary. The collection was not thoroughly inspected, and is being sold as is.
Classic and Miscellaneous Books - Responsa and Novellea, Halacha and Ethics
Classic and Miscellaneous Books - Responsa and Novellea, Halacha and Ethics