Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kvittel Handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller

Opening: $200
Kvittel handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller Av Beit Din of Neimetz – Romania.
"Chaim Mordechai ben Devora for salvation, Hashem should have mercy on me to live in peace and learn and teach Torah with plenty and that I should not G-d forbid stumble in a matter of halacha…".
Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller (1868-1947, Otzar HaRabbanim 6487), of the great Romanian rabbis. Gaon and famous tzaddik. In his youth, he printed his novella on the gemara "Chiddushei Ben-Yair" (Chernowitz 1900) [This book was a favorite of Rabbi Chaim of Brisk]. He was also renowned as a posek and after World War II, he did much to permit agunot. His answers in halacha were printed in three volumes of his book Responsa "Be'er Chaim Mordechai" (see attached material).
Piece of paper, 6cm. Good condition. Moisture stains.
Letters – Hassidism
Letters – Hassidism