Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kol Me-Heikhal Hashem Mi-Yerushalayim / Beit Din Hagadol – Two polemic proclamations

Opening: $120
1. Kol Me-Heikhal Hashem Mi-Yerushalayim! Jerusalem, [1914]. A Protest and excommunication notice against the “De-Daim” sect in Yemen, which denies the validity of the Kabbalah wisdom and of the Zohar. Many books and essays have been written on this polemic.
50cm. Good condition. Tears on the borders and folding marks.
2. Beit Din Hagadol Lekol Mikhalot Ha-Ashkenazim. Jerusalem, (“Hasolel” print), 1934. Proclamation written by Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank and the members of his Beit Din: “…Outraged by… those who have dared speaking badly of the Holy book of the Zohar…”.
28x29cm. Fair condition. Missing text (tears), stains.