Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kitvey Kodesh, Milchemet Mitzvah Ha-Chadash – Belz-Munkatch Polemic

Opening: $100
Sold for: $300
Including buyer's premium
Kitvey Kodesh, Milchemet Mitzvah Ha-Chadash, Munkatch, 1928.
Belz Chassidim in Munkatch established in the city a separate community by the name of "Knesset Ha-Yere'im" with an independent Kashrut system. A polemic against this community was aroused [its main argument stating that it was not part of the Hungarian orthodox communities organization but rather was part of the "Machzikey Ha-Dat" organization in Galicia]. Letters by tens of famous rabbis concerning this issue.
[8], 120 pages. 20.5cm. Good condition, slight damages to borders of leaves. No binding