Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art

Kavanat HaLev Tehillim – With Blessings Handwritten by Torah Leaders – "Whoever Prays and Beseeches from this Tehillim Will Merit That His Prayers Will Be Willingly Accepted Before the Master of All"

Opening: $1,000
Kavanat Halev Tehillim with commentary, Shir HaShirim and Perek Shirah, prayers and various supplications. [Petach Tikva?]: Machon Shirah Chadashah, 2014. Fine edition; large, clear format.
Segulah book given to philanthropists, with letter of blessings signed by sixteen prominent contemporary Torah leaders: "Whoever prays and beseeches from the present Tehillim will merit that his prayers will be willingly accepted before the Master of All. He will have plentiful livelihood… his business will prosper. He will enjoy good health and satisfaction from all his descendants; and see the fulfilment of all the blessings mentioned in the Torah, until he merits to greet Mashiach". Signed by: R. Chaim Feinstein (dean of the Ateret Shlomo yeshiva), R. Masoud Benshimon (prominent rabbi in Bnei Brak), R. Avraham Segal (dean of the Mir Brachfeld yeshiva), R. Baruch Weisbecker (dean of the Beit Matityahu yeshiva), R. Natan Zochovsky (dean of the Chochmah V'Daat yeshiva in Rechovot), R. Yitzchak Hacker (dean of the Grodno Be'er Yaakov yeshiva), R. Binyamin David Elyashiv (son of R. Y.Sh. Elyashiv), R. Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky (son of R. Chaim Kanievsky), R. Yitzchak Koldetzky (son-in-law of R. Chaim Kanievsky), R. Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein (son of R. Yaakov Edelstein), R. Baruch Dov Povarsky (dean of the Ponovezh yeshiva), R. Shimon Galai, R. David Yosef (son of R. Ovadia Yosef), R. Yitzchak Ezrachi (dean of the Mir yeshiva), R. Shlomo Eliezer Stern (a rabbi of Bnei Brak), R. Shraga Steinman (son of R. Aharon Yehuda Leib Steinman, dean of the Orchot Torah yeshiva).
512 pages. 23.5 cm. Very good condition. Original, elegant binding. Placed in original slipcase.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.
Books with Signatures and Dedications – Books of Important Ownership
Books with Signatures and Dedications – Books of Important Ownership