Online Auction 019 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Interesting Letter by Chaim Weizmann, to Rabbi Yitzchak Unna – London, 1934 – Response to Claims about the Distancing of Jewish Youth from Religion

Opening: $300
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
An interesting letter that was sent by Chaim Weizmann to Rabbi Yitzchak Unna, the head of the Association of Orthodox Rabbis of Germany. Typewritten on the official stationery of "The Central Office of the Jewish Agency for the Settlement of the Jews of Germany in Palestine", and hand-signed by Weizmann (in green ink). London, February 9, 1934. German.
In the letter, Weizmann responds to claims made by the rabbis of Germany, according to which Zionism is to blame for distancing Jewish youth from religion and even sending immigrants from religious homes to the non-religious Kibbutz Ein Charod. Weizmann writes that the Zionist movement, although recognizing the uppermost importance of religion and tradition, absolutely rejects any involvement in questions of religion and conscience among its members, and explains that the settlements in Palestine are different and variegated – alongside settlements that observe Torah and Mitzvahs, there are those which see the realization of their Judaism in working the land, reviving the Hebrew language and loving others. Finally, Weizmann emphasizes that education of children in Palestine is done only with the agreement of their parents and just as non-religious children are not sent to religious settlements such as the "Rodgas Group", so religious children are not sent to non-religious settlements such as Kibbutz Ein Charod.
Yitzchak Unna (1872-1948), the rabbi of Mannheim (Germany). During the years 1930-1935, he headed the "Association of Traditional Torah Observers Rabbis" (Vereinigung traditionell-gesetzestreuer Rabbiner), which represented the members of the orthodox community of Germany. In 1935, he immigrated to Palestine and settled in Jerusalem
[2] leaves (two typewritten pages), 25.5 cm. Good condition. Fold lines. Creases, stains and minor blemishes.
tters, Manuscripts and Autographs
tters, Manuscripts and Autographs