Illustrated Chevra Kadisha Registry Book – Szálka (Hungary)

Opening: $20,000
Chevra Kadisha notepad of congregation of Szálka (Mátészalka, Hungary), 1797-1939.
Elegant registry book, in large format, upon thick paper. Hand illustrated title page: “This registry book belongs to Gemilut Chasadim Association of Szálka”, with illustrations of a bed, instruments for washing of dead prior to burial, and spade. Regulations of association listed following title page. Title page and “regulation” leaves (leaves 2-8) written in 1797, and signed with signatures of managers of association during those days.
Leaves of registry book contain many hundreds of notations between 1803 and years preceding Holocaust (latest notation from 1936). Each of the registrants in the registry book is allocated a special leaf upon which his name is listed along with the date on which he joined the association. On many pages name of member appears with impressive ornaments and decorations by artist in colorful ink (including later ornaments, from mid 20th century). In several places, agreements and resolutions with signatures of leaders of the congregation and its rabbis appear. Over the course of time additional details were added onto personal leaf of member, such as donations and payments which he contributed throughout the years, his journeys, his death date, location of his burial etc. Several leaves contain added handwritten comment: “May his name and memory be blotted out”.
Between leaves 8-9 additional leaf added with notation from 1828 which informs that according to a decision which was reached between members of the association leaves 75 and 77 will remain blank, and “names of members of the association will not be listed on them… from today on no member of the association will make any claim or answer regarding the blank leaves due to reasons which will forever remain secret …” [on referred to leaves warning listed in Yiddish that under no circumstances may these leaves be written upon, even “for all the money in the world”]. First of signatories: Rabbi “Yechiel Kahana” – The Ga’on Rabbi Yechiel Kahana Heller Av Beit Din of Szálka (passed away in 1846, Otzar HaRabbanim 9166), son of the Ga’on Rabbi Yehuda Kahana Av Beit Din of Siget author of Kontres Hasfekot. Additional signature of the rabbi appears on second side of leaf 88 regarding decision to add one of names of members who was mistakenly omitted from the registry book. [This notation as well as several additional notations were written in handwriting identical to signature of Rabbi Yechiel Kahana; apparently the rabbi occasionally wrote in the registry book. Majority of notations in scribe writing].
[434] leaves. 37.5 cm. Good condition, stains. New velvet binding, integrated with decorations and clasps of original binding. Decorations and clasps made of [stamped] silver and ornamented with flower patterns. Main decoration with inscription: “This registry book belongs to Gemilut Chasadim Chevra Kadisha” (missing one base on back binding).