Auction 53 - Rare and Important Items

Huge Collection of Prayer Booklets and Leaves - Prayers for the Royal Family and for Various Occasions Related to the London Jewish Community - 19th and 20th Centuries - Sassoon Collection

Opening: $5,000
Sold for: $18,750
Including buyer's premium
Huge collection composed of more than 250 printed booklets, pamphlets, prayer leaves and songbooks for various occasions related to the London Jewish community. Prayers for of events which took place in the English royal family, events in the synagogues and Jewish institutes in England, and more. London, 1846-1979. Hebrew and English.
The collection is divided into four parts:
1. Prayers written for various people or occasions: "Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Cessation of the Cholera", "A Prayer & Thanksgiving for Relief from the Plague Amongst Cattle, and for Protection against the Cholera", "Order of Service in Memory Of the Late... Dr. Hermann Adler", "Order of Service in Memory of… Rt. Hon. Lord Rothschild", "Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the Approval by the League of Nations to the British Mandate for Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.", "Service Of Praise And Thanksgiving …To Commemorate the 500th Anniversary, of the Birth of Don Isaac Abarbanel", and more.
2. Prayers for the royal family: Prayer for "The Princess Of Wales' Safe Delivery Of A Prince", "Prayer and Thanksgiving … at the Jubilee of Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria", "A Special Service on … the Coronation of Their Majesties King George & Queen Mary", "Order of Service … for the Safe Return From India of … King George and Queen Mary", prayer "for the Recovery of His Majesty the King", and more.
3. Prayers for political occasions and for the armed forces: "A Prayer for Her Majesty's Forces In The Soudan", "Praise and Thanksgiving for the Taking of Jerusalem", "Thanksgiving for… Victories Obtained by the British Troops in India", "A Form of Thanksgiving & Prayer for the Signing of the Treaty of Peace", "Prayer and entreaties for the salvation of our armed forces", "Praise and Thanksgiving… for the Restoration of Peace", and more.
4. Prayers for openings of the synagogues and synagogue events: "Order of Service at the Consecration of the New West End Synagogue", "Order of Service at The Laying the Foundation Stone of the Hampstead Synagogue", "Order of Service … at the Installation of the Very Rev. Dr. Joseph Herman Hertz", and more.
Approximately 260 booklets, pamphlets and single leaves. Size and condition vary.
A collection of such a large scope is scarce. It contains an impressive documentation of the history and life of the London Jewish community for over 130 years. Some booklets are not in the National Library of Israel and are not recorded in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
· A number of single booklets from other places are enclosed with the collection: 5 booklets from Jerusalem, Bombay, Amsterdam and South Africa and four booklets from Australia.
Provenance: Sassoon family colection.
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items