Auction 5 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

HaShomer HaTzair posters – Palestine, 1940s

Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
14 posters by the HaShomer HaTzair movement, mostly from the 1940s, which deal with the most essential issues the The Zionist movement had to face in those years. Among the issues mentioned in the posters: the Holocaust and immigration of the survivors, against the deportation of ma'apilim by the British ("after a cruel delay of the decisions regarding the immigration of a ghundred thousand Jews, survivors of Nazism, H.M's government has started a campain against Jewish self immigration"), the ship Exodus and the crisis around it ("it's been over a week since the struggle over the Hagana ship Exodus has begun. The abuse of the Jewish survivors… continues with unconcealed cruelty"), the resistance of the movement to the Partition Plan ("we can not abandon any even tiny piece of land"), its bitter opposition to the Revisionist movement ("Stavski's people, allies of Petliura, wearers of brown shirts") and its disagreements with Mapai, and posters from the founding conference of the party from Haifa, February 1946.
A fascinating collection which sheds light on an important era in the history of Israel.
Various sizes and conditions. Some posters with filing holes, a few of them restored, some have folding lines and tears, a few of them restored.