Online Auction 012 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Haggadahs and a Collection of Essays - Ein Harod Haggadah and Malkishu'a Haggadah

Opening: $100
Three non-traditional Haggadahs and a collection of studies and essays about non-traditional Haggadahs. Israel, 1970s to the 2000s.
• Ein Harod Haggadah, 1978.
• Ein Harod Meuchad Haggadah, 1998.
• Malkishu'a Haggadah, 2013; appendix: Malkishu'a version Haggadah.
• "Teudot veEduyot: Seder Pesach, Haggadah shel Pesach ve Seder HaOmer beEin Harod". Essay by Aryeh Ben-Gurion. Two copies in different editions.
• "Iyun beMotiv HaMered veHaTekuma beHaggadat Ein Harod" by Yair ben Ari, and a letter of recommendation to publish the essay in the compendium "Iyunim beTekumat Israel".
• "Edut al Layl HaSeder beEin Harod", out of: Megilati beEin Harod by Shomo Lavi.
• Seminary paper on the subject of "Seder Pesach…(Ein Harod as prototype)", by Batya Lev Ari.
Size and condition vary.
Passover Haggadot
Passover Haggadot