Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Four Rare Leaves from the Book Sipurei Maasiot by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - First Edition - Ostroh, 1815

Opening: $300
Four rare leaves from the first edition of Sipurei Maasiot by R. Nachman of Breslov (Bratslav). Ostroh, 1815.
Leaves 3-6 of errata for the first edition of Likutei Moharan, published by Moharnat (R. Natan of Breslov), which he inserted at the end of the first edition of Sipurei Maasiot. These leaves are rare, and did not appear in the copy sold in Kedem Auction 63 (item 123).
Sipurei Maasiot was published by the illustrious disciple of R. Nachman of Breslov – Moharnat – R. Natan Sternhartz of Nemirov, several years after his teacher's passing. At the end of the book, R. Natan included corrections and additions to the first edition of Likutei Moharan, which he had published in his teacher's lifetime (Ostroh, 1808). The two title pages of Sipurei Maasiot state that the book was printed in 1815, though R. Natan recorded in his memoir (Yemei Moharnat, p. 45b) that he published the book in 1816.
[4] leaves. 19.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, dampstains and wear. Several marginal tears.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 437.
Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books