Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Five Letters - Hungarian Rabbis

Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Five letters by Hungarian rabbis and their families:
· Letter of recommendation by Rabbi Akiva Sofer Av Beit Din of Pressburg, for an immigration affidavit for rescue from the Holocaust. Jerusalem, Av 1943. · Attached is a letter by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Stern, on behalf of the Rabbi of Pressburg instructing the Agudat Yisrael Center to change its immigration affidavit: "…After asking…the Rabbi of Pressburg, we have reached the decision that we first much rescue the mother…". Jerusalem, Av 1943. · Letter on a postcard by Rabbi Shimon Sofer-Shreiber of Trnava. [ca. 1930]. · Letter of recommendation by Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar "Former Av Beit Din of Lackenbach". Jerusalem, 1943. · Long handwritten autograph letter signed by Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf. NY, [1954?].
5 letters. Size and condition vary.