Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Five Books Printed in Zhitomir and in Russia-Poland

Opening: $400
Five books printed in Zhitomir and in Russia-Poland:
1. Sefer HaRokeach, by Rabbi Eliezer of Worms, with compilations from the book Or HaYashar by Rabbi Meir Poppers. Zhitomir, 1847. Printed by the Shapira brothers, grandsons of the Slavita Rabbi. The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book records a lacking copy. Stamps of "Yonah Leib".
2. Be'er HaGolah, by the Maharal of Prague, with "Shelosha Devarim" by the Magid of Kosnitz. Zhitomir, 1859. Printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira, grandson of the Slavita Rabbi.
3. Derech Chaim V'Tochachat Musar Haskel, by Rebbe Duber Schneerson of Lubavitch ["The Middle Rebbe"]. Without title page [Zhitomir, 1863. Printed by Chanina Lipa and Yehoshua Heshel Shapira].
4. Shulchan Aruch HaRav, by the Rebbe author of the Tanya, Part 1 (Orach Chaim, Simanim 1-212). [Sudilkov, 1826]. Lacking title page and 11 leaves.
5. Seder Hayom, by Rabbi Moshe Ibn Machir. Zhovkva, [1805]. In large letters on the title page: "As printed in Slavita" and the words "Printed in Slavita". Bound at the end of the book is a title page and three leaves of the Passover Haggadah, with the commentary of R' Y. Giktalia, Rabbi Ya'akov Emden and the Vilna Gaon. [Lvov? 1810?].
5 books. Size varies. Sefer HaRokeach is in overall good condition. The rest of the books are in overall fair-poor condition. Heavy worming, wear and tears.
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir and Books Printed in Russia-Poland
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir and Books Printed in Russia-Poland