Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Five Books of Novellae on the Rambam - Turkey - Inscriptions / Letter Remnants

Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Five books of novellae on the Rambam, printed in Turkey;
1. Sefer HaMenucha, novellae on the Rambam [laws of chametz and matzah, shofar and succah], by Rabbi Mano'ach of Narbonne. Constantinople, 1718.
2. Pri Ha'Adama, Part 1, on Mishne Torah by Rabbi Refael Meyuchas. Salonika, [1752]. Dedication.
3. Kehillat Ya'akov, novellae on Mishne Torah L'HaRambam - laws of Shabbat and forbidden foods, by Rabbi Ya'akov Alba'ali. Salonika [1779]. Lacking title page and the following leaf which were replaced with a handwritten copy [in Sephardic writing, with an illustrated framed title page], and lacking the last 4 leaves of the index [partly replaced by hand]. Signature on title page from 1793 that the book belonged to Rabbi Refael Mordechai Shimshon Vitrabo, a rabbi in Ancona.
4. Chelek Ya'akov, novellae of Tur Choshen Mishpat and on the Rambam, by Rabbi Ya'akov Alba'ali. Salonika, [1827]. Lacking 2 middle leaves. Ownership inscriptions. Two letters in Ladino, sent from Izmir to Salonika in 1808 to Rabbi Yom Tov Jilibi Amarilio, were used to create the endpapers.
5. Hechal Melech, novellae on Mishne Torah, by Rabbi Avraham Lev Aryeh. [Salonika], [1814]. Dedication on title page.
Five books. Size and condition vary.
Books Printed in Eastern Countries
Books Printed in Eastern Countries