Five Books – Hebrew Grammar / Slavic Words in the Hebrew Language – Saint Petersburg – 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Five books printed in Saint Petersburg in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century. Russian and German.
1. Объ языкѣ евреевъ жившихъ въ древнее время на Руси и о славянскихъ словахъ встрѣчаемыхъ у еврейскихъ писателей [On the language of Jews who lived in ancient times in Rus, and on Slavic words in the writings of Jewish authors], by Abraham Harkavy. Saint Petersburg, 1865. Russian.
Inscribed by the author on title page (Russian).
2. Еврейская грамматика В. Гезеніуса; перевод К. Коссовича – Russian translation of the book Hebräische Grammatik by Wilhelm Gesenius. Saint Petersburg, 1874. Russian.
3. Евреиская Христоматия, с ссылками на грамматику гезениуса и глоссарием еврейскорусским [Hebrew Chrestomathy…], by K. Kossovicz (Каетан Андреевич Коссович, 1814-1883). Saint Petersburg, 1875. Russian.
4. Грамматика еврейскаго языка [Hebrew Grammar], by Ivan Troitsky (Иван Гаврилович Троицкий, 1858-1929). Saint Petersburg, 1897. Russian.
5. Die slavischen Glossen bei Isaak ben Mose Or Sarua, essay on Slavonic glosses in the "Or Zarua'" of Isaac ben Moses, by Isaak Markon (1875-1949). Saint Petersburg, 1906. German.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Literature and Periodicals
Literature and Periodicals