Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Five Book by Rabbi Solomon de Oliveyra - Amsterdam, 17th Century

Opening: $500
Five books by R. Shlomo de Oliveyra, rabbi of Amsterdam, bound together:
• Igeret… Ayelet Ahavim - ethics in poetry form. Amsterdam, [1665]. • Sharshot Gavlut - roots in rhyme. Amsterdam, [1665]. Darchei Noam - Talmudic principles, with Tuv Taam - the cantillation notes, and Darchei HaShem - index of the 613 commandments. Amsterdam [1688-1689]. Etz Chaim - Hebrew-Aramaic-Portuguese lexicon. Amsterdam, [1682-1683]. • Yad Lashon - Dal Sefatayim, two grammatical compositions on the Holy Tongue andAramaic. Amsterdam, [1689].
All the books were printed by David de Castro Tartas. All are first editions; some were never reprinted.
5 books, bound together. Varying paginations. 4 leaves (5-8) of Darchei Noam bound out of sequence. 2 leaves from Yad Lashon - Dal Sefatayim bound out of sequence. 14.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Damage and minor tears to some leaves. Some leaves trimmed (not affecting text). Fine, new binding.
Classic Books and Miscellaneous Books
Classic Books and Miscellaneous Books